The Search for Medication Assisted Treatment Near Me
Research has shown that medication assisted treatment (MAT) is one of the most effective methods of care for addiction. This likely led to your search for medication assisted treatment near me. MAT isn’t a new idea. However, the massive spike in opioid dependence over the past 20 years has renewed interest in this form of care. The truth is the recidivism (relapse) rate among opioid dependent people is disturbingly high. Add a worrying increase in overdose deaths due to the presence of fentanyl in street heroin and fake pills. Put it all together and it’s easy to understand why people are searching for medication assisted treatment near me.
Why MAT Works for Addiction
Medication assisted treatment, or MAT is primarily used for opioid addiction, but it isn’t limited to it. People with alcohol use disorders and other chemical dependencies have found success through MAT programs. The reasons why MAT programs help people put more sober time together are many. Here are a few of the primary reasons though:
- MAT reduces or eliminates lingering physical withdrawal symptoms and after-effects.
- The use of MAT reduces or even eliminates the threat of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS).
- Medication Assisted Treatment is an effective harm-reduction measure. It makes relapse less likely and Buprenorphine and Naloxone limit the ‘high’ someone can get if they do.
- Utilizing MAT buys a person critical time to build their recovery early on. Without the distraction of cravings and relapse far less likely, they can build solid recovery.
- A patient in an MAT program is far more likely to participate in group and individual therapy and take advantage of other addiction treatment therapies available to them.
How to Find Medication Assisted Treatment Near Me
The task to find Medication Assisted Treatment near me is easier than most people imagine. MAT programs are accessible and affordable for most people with health insurance. If you don’t have health insurance, there are state or federally funded MAT programs in all 50 states. This is in large part because the government knows MAT is an effective harm reduction measure. Simply put, MAT works. It reduces overdose deaths and results in more people with more sober time. State and local governments want people to be able to access it.
OK Great, But How Do I Find Medication Assisted Treatment Near Me?
If you have private health insurance or the means to pay for quality private treatment and you’re seeking Medication Assisted Treatment near me, give Midwood Addiction Treatment at call at (704) 741-0771 that’s (888) 628-1100 or you can connect to us directly through our contact page here. Midwood Addiction Treatment is a member of the trusted Harmony Recovery Group family. If you aren’t local to Midwood Addiction Treatment in North Carolina, don’t worry, Harmony Recovery Group has programs throughout the U.S. so give us a call and we’ll find you the help you need.
If you have Medicaid, state insurance or no insurance at all and no means to pay, do not worry! Remember, we mentioned the government has programs throughout the country. In fact there is an entire federal agency called SAMSHA set up to help people in your situation. If that’s you, follow this link to SAMHSA’s MAT treatment locator or call SAMSHA 24-hours a day at (800) 662-HELP.
MAT May Be The Answer For You
The important thing to remember in all of this is the answer to the question: Can I find Medication Assisted Treatment near me? The answer is YES. If you’re wondering does MAT work? The answer to that question is YES. We hope we’ve helped prove that in the article above. If you have any further questions about MAT though, please don’t hesitate to call Midwood Addiction Treatment at (704) 741-0771 for answers.
If you are ready to end the hold that drugs or alcohol have on your life, then you should consider alcohol and drug rehab as well. You are statistically more likely to get sober and stay sober longer the more help you get. MAT can be a part of the solution, but by itself it is not a substitute for the intensive therapy you can get in a quality treatment center like Midwood Addiction Treatment. If you or someone you care about has a substance use disorder, give Midwood Addiction Treatment at call at (704) 741-0771 that’s (888) 628-1100 or you can connect to us directly through our contact page here.