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What Is Cocaine Cut With?

What Is Cocaine Cut With?

What is cocaine cut with? – Cocaine, as found on the street, is typically cut with a variety of adulterants, including, but not limited to, caffeine, creatine, laundry detergent, local anesthetics such as benzocaine, lidocaine, and novocaine, fentanyl, boric acid, mannitol, levamisole, and phenacetin. Currently, it is very difficult to find 100% pure cocaine. Most …

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How Long Does Crack Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Crack Stay in Your System?

Crack cocaine is a powerful stimulant that produces a brief high, with a half-life of only around 15 minutes. There are, however, several factors that can affect how long crack cocaine can be identified in a person’s system using the following drug tests: