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6 Benefits of Outpatient Detox

6 Benefits of Outpatient

Most people are more familiar with inpatient detoxification programs. But, there are several key benefits to outpatient detox as well. That’s why more and more people are choosing to withdrawal safely from drugs and alcohol in the outpatient setting.

If you’re ready to begin the recovery process, the question is which form of detox is right for you? Read on the find out five of the most significant benefits of outpatient detox and learn the information you need to make a decision that’s right for you.

What is Outpatient Detox?

The purpose of all detox programs is to taper down a client’s drug/alcohol intake safely until the substance is eliminated from the system. Traditionally, this has been done in the inpatient setting, where the client can receive the 24-hour care that’s necessary for safe withdrawal from some substances.

In recent years, however, replacement drugs and detoxification techniques have been refined enough to allow for outpatient detox, a process that accomplishes the same goal while allowing the patient to continue living in the comforts of home.

Whether or not you have the option of choosing outpatient detox depends on your situation. However, if your care team decides that an outpatient detox is a viable option for you, it’s important to know its chief benefits.

The Benefits of Outpatient Detox

Here are six of the most significant benefits of executing the detoxification process in the outpatient setting:

  • Clients are not confined to the detox facility. This allows them to continue meeting their family, work, and school responsibilities while safely beginning recovery. Inpatient detox requires a certain period of time where the client is not free to do as they wish.
  • Outpatient detox provides the same individual and group therapy sessions that an inpatient client receives. However, the outpatient client has the opportunity to begin to put their new skills to the test immediately.
  • The outpatient detox setting allows clients to receive continued support from friends and family, even as they build important new relationships during treatment.
  • Although everyone’s situation is different, outpatient detox tends to be less expensive (and therefore less prohibitive) than inpatient programs. One reason for this is that it takes less clinical time.
  • As long as your withdrawal symptoms aren’t too severe, outpatient detox offers the same levels of safety and effectiveness as inpatient detox does.
  • Detox in the outpatient setting gives clients a much greater level of freedom than they would have in an inpatient setting. This allows for an opportunity to meet relapse challenges that are likely to arise in their lives long after treatment has ended.

It’s important to remember that outpatient detox has its disadvantages as well. That’s why it’s important to consult with your family and care team before making any final decisions about participating in an outpatient detox.

Either Way, Detox Is Just the Beginning

While detox is a critical (and often lifesaving) step in the recovery process, it’s important to remember that it’s still only the beginning. Far too many people fall into the error of thinking that all they need to do to remain sober is withdraw safely from drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, these people learn the hard way that this simply isn’t the case.

Whether or not you receive the benefits of outpatient detox, do yourself a favor and continue the process that’s designed by your care team to maintain sobriety.

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